Well fam another week older and wiser,
Its sounds like you are all doing awesome. I have to admit I am a little jealose you all got to go for a nice run together. I heard you all dominated. That rocks! You guys are all my heros. Just make sure you dont wear yourselves out before I get home so we can still have fun.
That is so sad about Andrew. I can't believe that. I am sure you are praying for his family. They need it at a time like this. Suicide is that last resort when you have absolutly NO light left in you. Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world. I can't really explain it in words of any language, but when you walk down the streets you can see the absence of the light in people here. This country is deteriorating more and more aver day. Its a dieing country. Anybody who contributes to society and is educated well is doing everything they can to get out. And they do get out. This leaves war torn grandmothers and old bums on the street which makes up most of the population. Everybody still lives in communist housing which means i can look at any door and I know EXACTLY what it looks like inside. I can even know what cabinents and bookshelves they will have most of the time. They were all given the EXACT same things. I have been in about 3 diferent "styles" of apartments. Thats all I have seen so far. I would say more but It will probably need to wait until I come home because we have to be careful what we write here.
Something interesting is also that our mission is roughly getting cut in half. Not in land but in the number of missionaries. There hasn't been a single new Lithuanian Elder that has come in after me. And there probably wont be any more until around Christmas. By that time there will be 12 of us Elders left here in Lithuania. We dont know how many more will sent but we hope its a lot. Last transfer Elder Dellinger who was in my group got changed to Russian speaking. Nobody knows why but we dont ask questions, President Dance is the man. Elder Dellinger is up in Estonia now.
This week as far as "happenings" go was up and down. Vydmantas came to church and hated it. He called us and told us he is a babtist now. Then he hung up... I was way bummed about that. I thought of why God had helped us to find him that night if he was just going to fall away. Why was it worth Gods time? But then I rememberd this is all Gods work. Even if we just needed to stop ONE thing from happening that one night and then be on our way. Its Gods work and he uses his tools to get his work done.
Elena also this week dropped us. She was an amazing lady who we had a member present lesson with. The member and her connected so well. She was progressing and we were about to commit her to babtisim but then she told us she has her own church and isn't ever going to change. She said she doesn't want to meet again. This just killed me. I yelled out loud after I got off the phone. My companion came running in because he thought i had gotten stabbed or something. It honestly felt like i had. It was terrible to hear. I knew this woman was ready for the gospel. I could see how it could help her. I had that "eye of faith" that made it possible to see her as a member. But to see her have such a change of heart just killed me. I just have to accept people have thier free agency and I can't make choices for them.
Also Robertas didn't meet with us this last week. He is the one with the pregnant girlfriend. He is absolutly amazing. He dissapeared and we could get ahold of him. I wanted to freak out. I was so sick of all of this happening. But then we got ahold of him and he met with us last night. He had had a rough week and had turned off his phone. I told him never to do that again.
Also this week our hot water got turned off so we had to boil water in a pot and take a shower out of our drinking glasses. That was fun.
Well fam thats it. Oh wait....the good news! A girl that was in the school me and Elder Cox taught at is getting babtised in a couple weeks!!! We taught in thier school and told them our church is a refuge from the world. This girl came to english and then the sisters started meeting with her. She is a 17 year old girl named Alisa. She needed a refuge from home becasue her Dad beats her and her mom. She loves church and is so happy now with the members. The only battle is she is 17 and needs her perents permission to be babtised. Pray for her parents hearts to be softened.
It was a nice thing to hear after this last week. So remember that even when life keeps throwing its worst at you just know somthing good is about to happen.
Oh so as for buisness. My watch broke so I am going to have to buy a new one. I am just going to get and old crappy one from a turgus (market). Other than that I am good. just tell me how much is on my card next week. Also if you want to put something else in that package you can put a short wrap up history of where the catholic church and the Russian Orthodox church came from and thier basic beliefs. That would be some very valuable information here. Other that that I think I am good. We found some decent peanut butter knock off here so it wont be so expensive to send more.
Thanks fam for everything . You all rock the world. I love you all I love this work I love serving the Lord and I LOVE SERVING THE LITHUANIANS! I wouldn't trade this for the world.
Take love from your son your brother and your friend.
Elder Cooke
Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:24 AM