Hey fam
I was fun/interesting/weird/awesome to talk to all of you! I wish we could have had more time but i am thankful for what we had. Crazy to think that we only get one more of those. But I wont need to write very long so I can get to some other people i haven't had a chance to write lately. Everything here is going great.
Christmas was wonderful. I Hope you liked your gifts.
As for the work, things are going great. It has been hard to find people.
But Aurumas is already reading in MOSIAH chapter 26! I am so excited for him. Valentinas and his family is so good with him. They are having him over for new years.
It has been hard for him to give up drinking and smoking. He has been eating and drinking lots of milk he said. It was hard for him to stop drinking black and green tea but he is holding strong thus far. He will get baptised. God has done a lot for his path to cross with us time and time again. God doesn't waste time. He is such a good kid. All he says is that he wants to do is stop drinking and smoking.
Other than that everything is going normaly here. Me and Elder Anderson are doing good. You learn a lot about a person when you are with them 24/7 . Its fun.
Thank you for the Pictures. I love seeing pictures of friends and family .
I love you all With allllllll my heart. Thank you for everything.
Happy new year
Elder Cooke
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