Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear Tillie, Gabe & Jack

I haven't posted many of Jesse's letters to us but this one made me cry!! These kids sure love and miss their Uncle Lloyd!!

Hey guys!
Thank you so much for your letters. They really meant a lot to me. Gabe you keep tearing it up in wrestling, you could probably beat your Uncle Kukas even without a Half Nelson. Tu esi erzalas (your a stud). Tillie, you are such a sweetheart. If you get 100 {AR reading @ school} points I will write you a Lithuanian poem ok! Jack, you're awesome man. I cant be back for Halloween but I can imagine how cool you look as Jakie Chan. Your so tough, I bet you can lift up 10 books huh! I can't do that. Go see if YOU can.

I love you all. Give your mom and Dad BIG HUGS from me ok. They need them.

ata (bye bye)
Uncle Kukas (kook us)You said Jack likes Calvin and Hobbs so I thought I wound send you a picture of my new language study. KALVINAS IR HOBSAS. I love it. luv u bye

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