Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hey Fam
That is so crazy and sad about Liz's dad. I hope everyone is doing alright.
On this side of the pond it was a good week. We had an unexpected mission conference!!! The way this misson is set up, we usually dont have opportunities to see all the missionaries from the mission. HOWEVER, this week President Razband from the presidency of the 70, Elder Powell from the 70 and Elder Perry from the quorm of the twelve all were in Riga to speak to the members there. But thursday we found out that on Saturday the whole mission could travel to Riga, Latvia and The general authorities were going to have a special meeting for all of us. It was just absolutly amazing. We were all so excited. All the Lithuanian missionaries were there about 2 hours before everyone else. The talks were amazing. Elder Perry is so funny. He shook all the missionaries hands also. It was a great expieriance. We took a picture as a whole mission. It was wierd because before that day I had never set eyes on 2/3rds of my mission. But it was way neat to see the other missionaries. We have a lot in common but also alot of differences. Each country has a whole different culture with different major religions (Lithuanian-Catholic, Latvia-Lutheran, Estonia-Athiest). Not to mention all of us missionaries together speak 5 different languages (english included). It was just such an awesome expieriance and I am so thankful we got to go.
This week was also way good for the work. We took this area, which was getting an average of about 6 lessons a week and we got 16! MY companion and I are working around the clock. I swear we hardly waste one second of time. Its way good but it makes the days go by to fast. We found a beutiful family who just got married. We were so excited and they were so prepared and ready but then they told us they are going to Norway. That is what everybody here is doing. Nobody can find work in the Baltics to they are all leaving. I know the unemployment rate in Riga is aroud 40% right now. Thats just crazy. Anyway that was kind of frustrating but we found some other really good investigators who we are really excited about. I guess I dont have to say it but I still havn't seen one baptism come from me being here. I have the temptation to let that get to me but I know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and that is good enough for the lord. It seems like the other cities have been seeing some succes. There was a babtisim in Kaunas (the only city i havent served in) wich ended a dry spell that had lasted for over a year. So that was exciting. Thats one thing I love about this mission. The missionaries are never competitve with baptisms. If anybody gets one in the country then thet whole country is SO EXCITED. It really brings us all together. I cant express enough how much I love this mission and the Elders and sisters serving here, especially in Lithuania. We all get to see each other every zone conference because we do both zones in the country together. It really just makes us one big family. I love it. Anyway I love you all. THank you so much for the support. I know it would be impossible to keep going without it.

su meile
Vyresnysis Kukas

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