Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dobre Dien!

Dobre Dien! (thats russian)

Hey fam. Glad to hear you are getting some good weather. The sun is visiting us here as well. In fact, way, way to much. Remember how in the winter we hardly ever saw the sun? Well we are on the other end now. I haven't seen night time for a few weeks. We go to bed at 10:30 and the sun is still sitting nicely above the horizon. I don't know when it goes down but it is definitely up way before we are. We have blankets over our windows so that helps. The other fun part is the heat. The temperature never gets to crazy hot...BUT...It is super humid so we just sweat like crazy. The worst part about that is the buses. The just sit and bake all day so it gets WAY HOT and that makes a lovely aroma with the people that dont care to ever shower...which is more people than it should be. But Its a lot hotter in other parts in the world so I can't complain. Im a missionary so that makes everything better, and worth it.

So...the happenings. This week was way good. We had a lesson with the Branch President here and his wife. I will just tell you right now that President Peciulis (Pe-choo-lis) and his wife are the fruit of the Baltics. An apostle said that the members of eastern Europe would be the strongest members in the world one day. I can already see that happening but If they were all like President Peciulis then that would already be so. He is an amazing man. They remind me of mom and dad so much. To give you an idea of who they are i will say that When I was with my last companion we recieved their mission papers so they could start filling them out. And my companion now just translated an interview with them and President Dance. President and Sister Peciulis are going to be the first couple from the Baltics to serve a mission! I am so excited for them. They are absolutely amazing and such a light to the people here. The members around the world could learn a thing or two from there two Lithuanians, I know I have. We all need to be a light and an example to all around us no matter what. All times in all places. I love them

Transfers are next week. I have no idea what is going to happen. They might close Klaipeda for sister missionarys. I am not sure. Right now there are me and Elder Putnam, the sisters and a "split companionship." That means one is a Lithuanian speaker and the other one is a russian speaker. I don't know what they are going to do. I guess we will see. I will most likely stay here in Klaipeda. I really hope so. I love it here. But I know I will go where I am needed. That also means that I wont write until Thursday. But just write me the same as you always do.

Well fam I am going to go.

Thank you everyone for everything you do. It's July 1st. The best month ever because the coolest kid in the world was born in this month (me) :) just serious
Thanks again

su meile
Vyresnysis Kukas

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