Thursday, April 9, 2009

Labas visiems!

How are you all? Good?Good! So yea another wonderful week . This may be my last letter from Vilvius. Transfers are next week! I can't believe it. It went so fast, sventaiji Moze!(holy Moses) SO I might get sent to a different city. I dont know though. President Dance does some interesting transfers here. But wherever I go I know it will be where I need to go so im not worried. But that also means next week Preparation day will be on Thursday, so dont freak out if you dont get a letter right away.
Today we went to Trakai. It is a Lithuanian castle on an island outside of Vilnius. Way way neat. This week had some interesting experiences. Elder Young had to go to the dentist this week! We were way nervous becasue the dentistry here is kind of shady. But Sister Dance had a magical book that had a respectable place in it and he made out ok. He had part of his far back molar fall off and so they put a cap and filling on. And it only cost 220 liets! (about 100 dollars) No paperwork or nothing just walk in they do their thing and we payed cash. It was beautiful. He said that they wern't the MOST experienced but for that price how could we complain.
It is starting to get way hot here. The crowded buses are starting to smell very interesting with this humid heat going around. We can't take off our suit coats until we get word from the president so we are waiting anxiously for the call. You always have crazy experiences on the buses. I had a drunk man come ask me what I thought of the girls on the bus. He said that the Lituanian girls were just voted the most beautiful in the world- and he wanted to know my opinion. I said I didnt know and he responded with a nice big thumbs-up. Yea kinda random but thats how it usually is.
So this week I received my "permission to live" so its official now. I get to stay in Lithuania. Valio!
So I hope you all enjoyed conference. I have only seen one session so far. We watched it this morning. we are going to watch the rest every morning this week. Then it will be shown to the branch this weekend after it gets translated. We have one investigator (Ingrida) we feel it will really help. She needs help keeping the word of wisdom. We got her to stop drinking coffee but now she told she has picked up smoking! We are really working hard with her in any way we can.
Well fam i have to go for now. We will see where the Lord takes me this week. I'll talk to you next Thursday!

Elder Cooke

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