So here is what happened. I got transferred out of my area.
These pictures used to be the view outside my apartment.
It was beautiful but I get moved out to a new apartment.
Lucky me.
I am still the zone leader but I just got called to once again be a trainer. I have to say i was really not expecting that. However, I just do what I'm told. The area I moved into is Sister Hall's old area. This makes my 5th "white wash" which is always interesting but fun. I now live on the east side of the city. It is amazing that I have lived here for 7 months now and I have no idea how to get around that side of town. When I trained Elder Whicker I had a thriving area and I knew it like the back of my hand. Now we have 0 investigators, 0 potentials and I have no idea what member we work with. Needless to say, when my new companion, Elder Hilton, come in I was thinking about how I was going to make this a good experience. I remember when I got whitwashed in my training it was so hard because we went a full week without ever teaching a lesson. I was determined to have a different experience with Elder Hilton. Elder Hilton is a great Elder and was willing to get strait to work. We found 6 new investigators in 3 days. It was great. Our first night was fun when a man came out and tried to get us some drugs. Elder Hilton was definitely baptised by fire in Lithuania.
Sister Hall's parents are so nice. I was able to talk to her dad a bit when i translated for him in priesthood meeting. Her mom gave me a hug from you which REALLY threw me off. Sister Hall's face was priceless when she did it. She was petrified. Say hi to Sister Hall when you meet her. Tell her how much respect her and her service here.
Thank you all so much for everything. I hope you all have fun this weekend. Live it up @ Lake Powell.
This pict with this stick is some service we were able to do where Elder Gearhart and I cut a lawn with a sythe.
Here Elder Gearhart and I are in the city of Vilnius 2010.
Love you,
Elder Cooke
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