Hey family,
That was a little Latvian to throw you all off. I am e-mailing from Riga today. We are up here for another leadership conference. The trip here was definatly led by God. We were running way late this morning and were definately NOT going to make it on time to the bus. We ran to the road and just needing to go about a mile down the road to the bus stop but we only had a minute to get there. I don't even think leslie could make that time. We didn't know what to do. At 6:30am there arn't any buses or taxis really to get you anywhere. So, after standing there for 10 sec with a prayer in our heart, Romas, a man who drives us to Kaunas every transfer for zone conference, pulls up and tells us to get in. He asked where we were heading and got there in less than a minute. We made the bus and went on our way. We hit the border and like the Elder you all know and love, I had forgotten my passport. The man had me get off the bus and step into an office where I appologised and told the officer I had just forgotten my passport. He looked at me and said, "ok." He let me get back on the bus and go to Riga. This is lucky becasue most of the time they take you to the plice station for a good 4 hours in a holding cell. So I am very grateful for the Lord and his tender mercys for his servents who run late for busses and forget thier passports.
In other news. Elder Hilton is still doing well. We had a slower week this week. We went to Siauliai so I could have and exchange with the district leader there. It was so nice to go back to Siauliai. I miss that place a lot. I wish I could go back and serve there again. It was a tough place to serve but I learned so much and I just love the people there. However, I am not called to serve there and I need to stand in the place that I am. It's a hard thing to pull off but it is better for everyone when we dont stick our head through the fence to get the better grass. We need to serve where we are called. Thank you all for all your support in keeping me focused. It is the best support you can give me, or anybody at any time for that matter. I love you all and wish you all the best in whatever you are doing. Happy birthdays and fathers days all around. I do my best to make mention of birthdays and whatnot but you understand if I dont remember all those dates. I love you all!
Elders Kuks
(Kukas, my name in Lithuanian, means "cakes" in Latvian so people get a kick out of my nametag here)